
Friday 21 February 2014

Mistral Haul!

Now this haul is only small, two items to be exact, but I love both of them so much I just had to share it with you guys!

First item I bought is the purple knitted beanie which is very soft and has a nice simple pattern that isn't too overwhelming. The pattern was what caught my eye as it goes down vertically and gives it nice shape when being worn. The colour is a dark aubergine purple. This hat only cost me...£3.40 ish as I got 50% off in the sale! Bargain! 

I apologise for the poor image, my phone is playing up today! 

The second item is the Robin scarf which I had to have as soon as I laid eyes on it! 

I adore the deep blue of the background and the cute Robins! The material is silky and soft to the touch and it is made out of 100% viscose. The length is perfect for me, it is 176 cm long, and it goes with alot of my clothes and gives them an added touch of colour especially since it is Spring. This was originally £19.50 but after the 50% off I got it for an amazing £9.75! Another amazing bargain!

Go have a look at the Mistral online shop, they sell really lovely colourful clothing. 

- Tasha 


Wednesday 19 February 2014

Liebster Award

Wow thanks to the beautiful Helen Davis for nominating me! Go check out her blog here she does really interesting lovely posts! 

So when I got nominated I had a tiny idea of what the award is about because of other posts I have seen but not a whole idea and Helen talks all about it on her post which was a huge help. 

The rules are as follows:
1) Write 11 facts about yourself
2) Answer the questions set by the person who nominated you
3)Choose 5-11 blogs with less than 200 followers
4)Think of 11 new questions for them to answer.

So here we go!

11 Facts about myself
1) Ariel is my favourite Disney princess
2) The first ever Halo is what got me into the Xbox
3) I still own a Gameboy Colour
4) I support Arsenal
5) I am repeating a year of college
6) I used to be obsessed with WOW
7) I love all Kawaii things
8) I cosplay alot and have been to MCM London Expo
9) My favourite Sandra Bullock movie is The Lakehouse
10) I never liked watching kids cartoons like Teletubbies when I was little so I played army with my brother and went on the Playstation and Gamecube
11) I have an unhealthy obsession with brownies in cups

Helens Questions:

1) Winter or Summer Olympics? Which sport is your favourite to watch?
Winter Olympics because SNOW and Snowboarding.
2) If you had to make an entire cooked meal with just five ingredients what would it be?
Vegetable soup! Normally I just chuck in whatever is leftover but I guess it would be carrots, kale, cabbage, vegetable stock, cream and spices.
3) What is the last film you watched at the cinema? Would you recommend it?
Star Trek Into Darkness and HELL YES! 
4) What's your favourite book?
Inheritance Series, so Eragon by Christopher Paolini
5) When on holiday do you prefer exploring or relaxing? 
Depends on what mood I'm in to be honest but generally exploring
6) What's your favourite thing to do in your home city?
Mine is a bit boring and small but saying that it is going to the leisure centre to swim which I haven't done for ages because it has been freezing.
7) If someone gave you £100 to live without your phone for a month could you do it? 
Yes, but my parents would not like that idea haha.
8) What's your earliest memory? 
Oh god I have no idea I have an awful memory! I think it is going to Disney Land Paris and seeing the Star Wars exhibit with the giant AT-AT. Oh and the barn dance with Minnie Mouse, can't forget that! 
9) When you feel like spending money where is the first place you go?
New Look or Internationale
10) Which animal would your patronus be?
Hmmm probably a Dolphin or Seal 
11) Why/when did you decide to start blogging?
I started this January and I did it to be more proactive in my life and do something fun and interesting.

Here are my nominees!

Amber at Bambi Bell (
Ellie Mae at EllieMae's Beauty Blog (
Tessa at Holly Sparkle (
Imogens Typerwriter (

Unfortunately as I have been so busy I havent had time to follow lots of blogs and have more blogs that have many followers than blogs with less than 200 followers! Sorry!  

My Questions

1) What is your favourite childhood movie?
2) If you had to have a superpower what would it be?
3) Do you colour your hair? If so what colour has been your favourite?
4) Favourite ready meal?
5) If you could live in any fictional world what would it be and why?
6) What is your dream job?
7) Most recent pair of shoes you have bought?
8) If you could live in any city in any country where would it be?
9) If you could make your own nail polish mix what would it be and what would you call it?
10) Morning person?
11) Favourite non alcoholic drink?

Tadah! Done! Finito! Again thankyou Helen for nominating me!   

Revision:Tips and Tricks!

Hello there!

Wow it has been a while and I apologise profusely as I have been super busy with revision, my novel, revision oh and MORE REVISION! Ugh I hate it and recently it has been getting me down as the stress of my May exams is starting to press in on my brain like someone force choking my mind!

Uh okay weird analogy but anyway... 

After being inspired to really get my head in the right place with my work load I have been revising better and my mental health has improved, Huzzah! 
So listen in close because I am about to give away some revision/motivation secrets!

First, make or print off a yearly calendar with each day of each month shown. Then taking your favourite colour pen put a smiley face or a heart, whatever shape you want, on a day that you have achieved something. It can be anything you want such as writing a bit more of a novel, doing some of a chemistry essay blah blah blah. And whenever you catch a glimpse of your calendar you can see the smiley faces and clearly see how you are achieving something everyday! It sounds really obvious but trust me. It works! I feel much more uplifted and ready to do revision seeing how I am achieving something consistently.
Here is a picture of my calendar which I have some pictures on to make me smile or encourage me! The lack of smiley faces is because I only started it on the 14th of February :P

Second, when doing revision I find the best method for a visual learner like myself is to have cue cards. On one side of the card write a question such as "What is the definition of differential gene expression?" and then on the other side in bright colours and add pictures if you wish, write the answer! These cards are great because if you get the small ones you have to write condensed notes to fit it in one card and you can take them around with you! I wrap two elastic bands around the pile which I colour code for each topic and voila I can read them on the train, in the car, at lunch in college.

Third, always start revising for an exam as soon as you start learning material. This means you have more free time if you do revision notes after each lesson and you wont have to cram the night before (I highly recommend that you DO NOT cram the night before.) 

Fourth, do as many past papers as you possibly can! This I cannot emphasise enough as it lets you get into the examiners head and evaluate what answers they want for a specific question. I try and do at least one of each subject a week. Once you have done one mark it straight away and highlight the questions you got wrong so you can see if there is a pattern to indicate a part you are not strong on. Also, be VERY harsh when marking, do not give yourself pity or meh marks as I call them as you will get a grade that isn't reflective of your abilities.  

Fifth, get a good nights sleep before the exam! Especially if you have more than one in a day (we all feel the pain of those) and have a nutritious breakfast. The best things to eat are foods with glucose as your brain uses glucose as its power source. I like to have a mixed berry smoothie with oats and some toast. I will also have a Aero bar as not only is it yummy and makes me feel better, you have sources of natural sugar in the fruit. 

Sixth, don't just rely on your textbooks and teachers to have all the information you need. Go and find the specification on the examiners website for your subject so you know exactly what they want from you. This is especially useful if you want to learn the specification and mark schemes off by heart and will boost your performance. If you want those high grades take responsibility for your learning.

Well that's a wrap folks, I hope these tips help you like they help me and I wish you all success in your summer exams!
